This week, it was announced that in 2016 the game Pokémon Go will be released for iOS and Android. And based on the teaser trailer, it looks AWESOME! In case you missed it, link here. If you didn't miss it, just watch it again, because it's sweet!
This looks really cool! Pokémon on your phone and you encounter them as you walk/travel around! You can also get the Pokémon Go Plus accessory to alert you when Pokémon are near. I would have no problem letting my nerd show with this thing.

The last time I was this excited for something Pokémon related, I saw this:
The idea from Google for April Fools day to "search" the world for Pokémon. So, you open up your Google maps and, Boom! There are some Pokémon! And they looked like this:
Now, don't get me wrong. I enjoyed this game and I am STILL frustrated that I couldn't catch Mew. It was great... for a gimmick. But as you can clearly see, the trailer oversold what was actually going to happen (which most trailers do).
What I am getting is that this game LOOKS cool. The idea isn't new but it seems like a great application for the concept. But there is no way this game will be anything near what the trailer is showing. There is one idea they hinted at in the trailer (or maybe I optimistically imagined that they hinted at it) that could make this really awesome.
Let's be fair; I'm not expecting to get a mobile game that is going to give us a VR type presentation. But I think if the gameplay elements from the Augmented Reality Pokémon Dream Radar were implemented into this game, it would be a close facsimile to what was presented (even though I kind of hated hitting all of those glowing orbs, get rid of the orbs). Even if it were to draw in some aspect from Pokémon Snap (which if they do it right, I would accept this as a Pokémon Snap 2) they would be able to have a very attractive aspect to this.
I guess, I am trying to slow down the hype train a little bit because I don't want to be disappointed. This could be really great if it is handled well and if we get some in game footage soon so that we have a realistic idea of what it will be like. If this game isn't as good as expected, there is no way I'm going to pay anything for this! (Oh, who am I kidding!? I am going to go get the Go Plus accessory the first day... Pokémon, can I just write a check now, or do you accept PayPal? Do you need blood of my first born child? Please be kind with in app purchases... Please)
Oh, and for a portion of the gaming community, there's this:
You can find this article by me and many other great things related to Pokémon at the PUCL Podcast website.
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